training platform

Welcome to the FullSteamAhead training platform for teachers in secondary education. Here you can find material, in-class application pathways and tools for teaching STEAM subjects, as well as rich sources of further information and material that can complement your training sessions.

The purpose of the training material is two-fold: On the one hand, it follows STEAM subjects along a modular structure (7modules on different topics), while on the other, the material itself offers an approach in which STEAM subjects are circumventing gender-based stereotypes and limitations with the goal to make the subjects of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics attractive for both girls and boys students.

What we strived to achieve, is to create the needed attitudes and dispositions towards perceiving these subjects as future career opportunities, emancipated from the constraints of a gender bias that is evident in the personal and professional future lives of students. Family, friends and peers, and the whole social context of students beyond the school community are also equally relevant in this discussion. This is why – as you see below – we have created a complementary space where we offer relevant material to cultivate a gender-neutral approach to STEM on behalf of family, friends, and peers, as important actors in the socialization process of secondary school students.

The material follows a modular structure along 7 core modules, differentiating across the age-groups 11-13, 13-16, 16-18, corresponding this way to the formal education systems in secondary education across the participating countries (Croatia, Greece, Italy, Spain).

The teacher’s platform

Enter the teacher’s space for STEAM teaching
material, tools, and in-class applications.
Enter the teacher’s space for STEAM teaching material, tools, and in-class applications.

STEAM in the world of students

Supporting material regarding the positive
role the family, friends and peers can play in
making STEM attractive to both girls and boys
students can be found here.

Supporting material regarding the positive role the family, friends and peers can play in making STEM attractive to both girls and boys students can be found here.

